Don't knock on Death's door
Ring the bell and run
He hates that

Montag, 20. September 2010

Hotties part 1

Lately I'm scared of a virus being on my Laptop.
Because sometimes there is a strange shacke on my background.
I'm a pro at getting viruses^^ (already had 2 and I lost everything because of them... cause the whole thing had to be rebooted >_>)
Once it got really bad:
my Dad had just done his best to fix my PC. Then - my first time using it again - a field pops up: "Download an update for your anti-virus-software - click here". I, happy that it all works so fine, push the download-button.
Clue about it: that thing was a new virus...
Damn my Dad was pissed xD
Therefore I have to take some savety measures!! I already saved my fotos, the music and the word-things.
So here comes my collection of google-searched pics of hotties (omg... thats awkward^^) but still: here they go!!!
(Sam's the best one of course xD)

That's my favourite soccer player: Bastian Schweinsteiger ♥ (Germany)
Doesn't he totally look like a model?! xD

And everyone who watched Twilight certainly knows this guy: Taylor Lautner ♥

The hottest Werewolf since... ever!

This one is another german Hottie: an actor. His name is Matthias Schweighöfer. And his smile is definitly irresistable! =3
Just to point it out: I don't smoke and I'm not really fond of people who do smoke, but he looks awesome - even with a cigarette xD

He played one of the main characters in OC California (Cohen). An awesome funny, sweet and sarcastic guy (reminder: rewatch that show!).

And now: the musician here: Adam Lambert. Second placed in the 8th season of "America's next idol", a brave outcomer and definitly still hot! xD
And I'm going to his concert in november!!!!!!
Like omg >.<

And now last but not least: Heath Ledger. He sadly died waaaaay to young but still did some amazing jobs. For example
"Batman - the dark knight" and "10 things I hate about you". It's such a pity the art of film lost him at such a young age. Though it's always sad when humans die at young age - not only celebrities! Those are just the ones which seem to die in public. Everyone sees, listens, knows... I wouldn't want to die like that. I'd rather die among my family and friends. But that's another story.

So this was part 1 - Sam&Dean get their own post :D
sooner or later.
yup yup.

Rettet die fantasy, Sam forever und Gut Pfad =]

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