Don't knock on Death's door
Ring the bell and run
He hates that

Montag, 13. September 2010

Red Light Flash

Ugh... I got catched by a speed cam today 0o
It was a really f*cked up situation and it wasn't really my fault!
Seriously - but I guess every guilty person say so, ne?^^'
But really: I just evaded another car by driving into a space between two parking cars. That way I naturally slowed down. So I speeded up a lil again - for maybe a second! It's not like I drove 50km/h in a 30km/h-zone! Just this slight pressure on the pedal to get it away from the 20th again...
And then - this very second, this very short and very unfortunate second - there was this bright red flash of light! Like an explosion it hit my eyes D: like WTF!
I mean... ahhh >.< Evil Shit. Evil evil evil Shit!
Those Cops hid it in the back of a parking car! So sneaky! So so so damn sneaky!
I'm still in my test-period... I got my licence november last year.
Let's hope I don't have to hand it over ='(

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